Insults Dished Out by Hailee Steinfeld in ‘True Grit’, Ranked


By Cinema Sugar

#1 rule of the Wild West: Don’t mess with Mattie Ross.

8. Brief though his note was, it was rife with misspellings.

7. And futile, Marshal Cogburn—“Pursuit would be futile”—is not spelled F-U-D-E-L.

6. Why have you been ineffectually chasing Chaney?

5. I do not like you. I hope you go to jail. My lawyer will not help you.

4. In Arkansas you should mind that your Texas trappings and title do not make you an object of fun.

3. He has abandoned me to a congress of louts.

2. I’m sorry that you have been eluded the winter long by a half-wit. 

1. I know you can drink whiskey and snore and spit and wallow in filth and bemoan your station. The rest has been braggadocio.